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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  December 3, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST

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>> the expected freezing temperatures have people around the bay area preparing a nonprofit group opened three shelters in santa clara county to give homeless a warm place to sleep. the shelters provide 275 beds. santa clara has the 5 the largest number of people in the united states. >> nurseries in the east bay advise petroleum to protect the plants before the subfreezing temperatures hit by wrapping or spraying a protection product on them to insulate them. homeowners are advised to cover exposed water pipes. >> the certain resumes for a silicon valley c.e.o. whose plane is missing in the idaho wilderness. four other family members were on board when they reported engine failure on sunday. matt keller is in san jose with that story. matt? >> this is the church of dale smith, as rescuers waits until day light to start the search in
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idaho. his single engine disappeared in idaho back country on sunday. the plane was carrying four other family members from oregon to montana. pilot reported engine trouble and asked controllers in salt lake city to the johnson street airstrip but never landed. he is the c.e.o. of serial tek a software maker and throwing small planes longer than anyone can remember. >> he is an engineer brain and he is very meticulous about doing all that. he is meticulous in all things he does, a good guy. >> the sheriff deputies picked up a cell phone signal and narrowed it to four or five square mile search. the transmitter is citizenned to go off in crashes but not detected. rescuers had to deal with snow and slow clouds.
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sunrise is scheduled for 8:00 this morning when rescuers head back out to begin the search again. >> thank you. from south boston crews are battling an eight alarm fire that break out inside a large commercial building at 1:30 our time. it was under going renovation and is believed to have been empty. the cause of thety is not known. we will continue to follow the story and bring more developing in the newscast. >> the west contra costa county school board is working on bullying and sexual harassment poll after an emergency meeting with parents and students last night. a transgender student spoke of about being bull lid after the fight with alleged tormentors was caught on video. >> it was a buildup after buildup after buildup and no one was there to help. >> the 16-year-old said the
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girls she was assigned sit next to spit gum at her and called her names pause she is transgender. >> she comes back in the room, "i feel like punching you." after repeated harassment she snapped. this fight at the high school got her and three girl she fought suspended if self -- several days. she complain but the administration did not realize the extent of the problem. >> it came to a point where i wanted to physically hurt myself. >> the county school district calmed this emergency board meeting after parents complained it hasn't done enough to stop the bullying. >> i taking responsibility no that. >> school board member was alarmed to find out the district's sexual harassment training guide lines a. dod in 2008 were never fully implemented across the district. >> it is a big problem when we do not have a way to point to
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parents and people what the superintendent is supposed to do. >> the district said the slow action makes it vulnerable to lawsuits and it is critical to adopt a new policy on sexual harassment within 30 to 45 days. >> sonoma county supervisors are meeting this morning to appoint a 21-member task force in the wake of the shooting of andy lopez which will create a process for an independent citizens review of officer-involved shottings that is handled in part by a grand jury. the 13-year-old andy lopez was shot by a sheriff deputy while carrying a toy ak-47. this is been nine routes protests in -- there have been numerous protests over the use of deadly force. >> in washington, dc the house will vote on a 10-year extension on a ban firearms that evade
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metal detectors. with 3-d printers able to produce plastic weapons, gun control advocates want lawmakers to go further and all weapons to include metal parts that with make them detectable. >> a man is being held on $11,000 bail charged with stealing copper worsing from the new apple 2 headquarters construction site in cupertino. the police arrested the 56-year-old on saturday from belmont. security workers reported a burglary in progress. officers fund conditioner wiring and tubing ripped from old buildings. a police dog helped track down the suspect and investigators say when he refused to come out of hiding the k-9 went in and pit him. >> sobering statistics in san jose, twice as many pedestrians have been killed. last knit there was a vigil for the 24 pedestrians killed last year in the city. they period at corner of oakland
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and vine where three-year-old was killed a week and a half ago, and his funeral is set if tomorrow. the group wants the city to milk greatments to traffic enforcement and pedestrian safety. this morning, oakland police are asking people to look out for stolen vehicle that has been used in two robberies, with this license plate: 5ndf073 car jacked at 24th and valdez on sunday. since then, two remain ad men inside have robbed people in north oklahoma and in the diamond neighbor. >> bart is expecting a lawsuit from the two largest unions over a disputed family leave clause in the contract it negotiated with the union. it is a story we first protect last week. the suit stems from the removal of a clause in the contract that management signed but said it was included accidentally. a suppose person for the service employees international young says a final distinction on a
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lawsuit has not yet been made and that action may have to wait until the transit union completes its leadership election which begins tomorrow. according to the "contra costa times", the young president is facing a charge from opponent whose consider her too moderate. >> a serious contender to the race to unseat oakland mayor, district four council woman schaaf filed papers to rain money for the campaign. she was born and raised in oakland and worked positive jerry brown when he was mayor and former council member. a president found is more popular than the mayor in the direct and two-thirds of the people across the city view the mayor unfairly. >> the tables have turned on the commission that voted to revoke city college of san francisco's accreditation. the "san francisco examiner" reports that the department of education has ordered the acreditting contribution to make
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changes to keep their standing. the department says that the commission didn't meet federal requirements in the review of city college and has the appearance of a conflict of interest. city college supporters hoped the commission would be invalidated altogether. >> you will notice this morning quit a bit cooler and windy and colder. leyla gulen, a slot going on? >> exactly, and precipitation, as well, from the mount tamalpais camera to san francisco it is bouncing ever-so-slightly and you can see it better from the east bay hills camera. right now, as we talk about temperatures waking up to 49 degrees in santa rosa, and 50 degrees in napa and we head 20 concord, warmer at 53 so more chilly than yesterday. we are looking at gusty conditions up to 30 miles per hour in napa and 32 in oakland and 17 in san carlos, and 12 miles per hour wind in san jose. the winds will diminish overnight and that is when the cold air mass will settle in
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over san francisco and the bay area. that is going to bring the temperatures down severely. a doze watch is in -- a freeze watch is in effect tonight and thursday bringing temperatures down 10- to 15-degrees. headed interest friday we have the possibility of rain, as well, with the full seven-day forecast coming up in a little bit but right now we will talk about an accident that happened in san jose. it is blocking one lane not sure if there are injuries reported but if you are traveling along southbound 680, on the off-ramp, you could find this and with one lane blocked it could slow traffic down. so far, so go, for delays and the nimitz and 880 is running fine. we have this construction project northbound 680 out of danville toward alamo you can see the slowing behind it. slow not cone zone as you continue to walnut creek and everything is moving along at
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top speed. outside, the drive through marin county, headed southbound along 101 toward san francisco wide open, top speed, no accidents to report. just watch out for the wind. that could cause problems if you are driving anything thatted is high sided. >> new details in the consider crash that killed paul walker and what witnesses are disputing and the moving tribute by a "fast and furious" co-star. >> also, a man lifted to safety from the buyout waters with -- m the bay area waters from a kayak. >> four legged strip buster
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covering walnut creek, burlingame, campbell and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> welcome back. glad you are with us on tuesday
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morning. at 4:43, this is the ferry building, the embarcadero and the bay lights and bay bridge but in the foreground you can notice the flags and gusty winds. that is the situation to deal with this morning. leyla gulen will fill us in on where and when it could be freezeing. >> in southern california autopsy reports are scheduled on "fast and furious" actor paul walker killed last weekend. mourners have gathered to remember walker. the "fast and furious" co-stars stopped by and thanked fans for supporting his family. new reports say a combination of speed and human error probably caused the crash that killed walker and his friend who was driving. investigators are saying they do not think the two were drag racing at the time of the accident. >> this morning the intense investigation into the deadly train derailment in new york city points to extreme speed and
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human error with video showing a close look at the scene. >> investigators have discovered a giant clue of the metro north train that jumped the tracks in the bronx, new york, saying it was barreling into a sharp curve at three times the permitted speed. ought train traveled at 82 miles per hour going into a 30 miles per hour curve. >> it is too early to tell if the engineer, welcome rockefeller jr. is at fault, sources say human error is likely to blame the ntsb says the train's brakes remain not applying until very late in the game, five seconds before the train came to a stop. four people were killed and more than 70 engineers. >> i heard about the speed i gulped. it sort of takes your breath away. >> this video shows crews at the seen of at seven cars derailed. one stopped only feet from the banks of the river.
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survivors describe the frightening moments. >> i could feel the wheels come off. i could feel the cargo off the tracks. >> the rubble was flying around my face. >> a vigil at the site with people paying respects for the victims. >> the lord is your guardian. >> the train's brakes appear to be operating. the train made several scheduled stops before the derailment and the engineer now home from the hospital will be interviewed again today. >> the hawaiian beach where a man was attacked by a shark will re-open of a being closed. the man was attacked while fishing in his kayak three miles east coast. the man was dangling his feetest edge of the kayak and 9 sharp bit him. a charter boat took the victim to shore but he died before getting medical aid. his identity has not been released and the teach shark is unknown. there have been eight attacks this year double the average for
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normal year near maui. >> key -- kayaker is recovering after being saved. he had stomach pain and dehydration and hoisted aboard a helicopter and plane to medical personnel waiting at a boat launch. the coast guard advised kayakers do wear life jackets and file float plans so someone knows where you are and take a marine radio. >> if you are flying out of sfo over the holidays, keep your eye out for a puppy love, dogs like this one will be on hand to help travelers relieve stress and make their holiday journey more enjoyable. the wag brigade has dogs partnership with the spca and the airport to deal with honk lines --
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long lines and frustrateing. >> another issue at sfo, the winds. >> windy and more chilly but it will get cold her this week. make sure you bundle up. we do have high clouds that we are tracking over the north bay. lower clouds across the peninsula, moving through and we brought in precipitation overnight. you may have noticed we were talking about the moisture on the roads and that is all pass, away with a colder air mass behind it. from the sutro tower camera to the financial district and the bay bridge you can see twinkling lights are clear but there is the high cloud covering much of the bay area. as we talk about our satellite we had the front moving in over northern california from the pack northwest and that brought the sight chance of rain and you
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may have seen the moisture. however, just behind it is the mass of cold air that is coming in from alaska and that is going to bring us the subfreezing temperatures for big part of the bay area. all of bay area, north bay, we will see the freezing temperatures and frost advisory, as well, so possible damage to sensitive plans and exposed pipes. that is going to extend through the east bay and along the peninsula, as well. we will want to dress accordingly. the rest of california shows it is bringing the temperatures down. in tahoe 33 is the high. we have snow showers over the next couple of days. if you want to head to the snow now is the time to do it before it dries up. as we look at our highs in our neighbor, 56 degrees in santa cruz and 57 in los gatos and 56 in san jose and 56 in palo alto. dress for 52 in pacifica, also, not waking up to thing for we had yesterday.
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good visibility but windy at 55 degrees in san francisco. in the negligent by topping out into the lower to mid-50's and the east bay, mid-to-upper 50's but not going to top out above the upper 50's for the central valley. 56 degrees is our high in antioch. overnight our lows are clear skies that will make us chilly because we do not have the cloud cover to keep the heat in. 47 in palo alto and 42 in fairfield, and 40 degrees in napa. very cold overnight and into wednesday and thursday with a chance of rain on friday and another possibility of rain for next week. we have a couple of problems happening in the traffic department. we have this accident in san jose and it is blocking one lane at the off-ramp, southbound along 680. so far it is not causing delays. 101 is clear in the northbound direction and southbound side
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could have volume up to the 280/680 split. our drive time traffic 580 westbound from tracy to dublin is 28 minutes and highway four, antioch to concord is 15 minutes and 101 southbound from san rafael to the city is 16-minute commute and walnut creek southbound 680 away from highway 4, wide open and only going to take you eight minutes. >> forget the consumer imof black friday and cyber monday and feel the community spirit behind giving tuesday, today, a new global campaign to crete a dave charity and voluntarism following a consumer spending binge spearheaded on www. giving and endorsed by the obama administration. we are encouraging people to donate. >> very nice. doing good this holiday season could make you $7,000 richer. go to our facebook page and
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take the pledge. with each pledge we will donate a dollar in your honor to the feeding america food bank and up to $7235,000. everyone who takes the pledge will be entered to win $7,000. the winner is announced december 19th. spread the love. help us give where you live. >> coming up, a possible chew to why some people suffer from migraines. the every day product that could be the culprit. >> an incredible story of survival, a man found alive at three days trapped in a sunken ship on the ocean floor.
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>> hundreds of children will take part in a toy festival part of the firefighters' toy give away.
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santa will be there and along with mayor lee. the department of child support services will help hand out toys to more than 1,200 kids the program is funded by donations. >> where do you go to see the world's biggest gingerbread house? texas, of course, which has been certified as the largest by world records measuring 29,000 cubic feet. to quaff the outside of the house mud be edible but if you eat the whole thing it will be 36 million calories. >> very impressive. >> the project is not just for bragging rights, it actually raised funds for the local trauma center. >> hard to not take a bite. >> that door looks delicious. >> little nibble. >> now leyla gulen and the weather story. >> what happens if it rains? >> soak up the water and...well, something to think about.
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>> not the most practical. >> good morning, everyone. from the camera toward san francisco it is clear. we are not waking up to fog this morning. we do have high clouds that will be with us leaving us with mostly cloudy skies for the bay area. our day planner, dress warmly. we do have cool temperatures, 10- to 15-degrees cooler than yesterday and once the sun goes down and it will be freezing with month on our freeze warning in a little bit. >> we have a couple of problems with traffic, including an early crash if san jose and now we have this: at the bay bridge toll plaza on the san mateo bridge, westbound, blocking one lane, so for, so good, for delays, but it is still usually. hopefully it will be pushed to the shoulder. as we look at mass transit, everything is run on time. outside, the san mateo bridge
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shows beyond the toll plaza you can see how wide open it is and 12 minutes gets you from hayward to foster city. not a problem over to the peninsula. >> if you suffer from migraines, a study points to a possible trigger that is likely in your house. there 10 study that said p.b.a. could cause the headaches, that is the chemical commonly found in food packaging, plastic cups and water belts. more than 90 percent of americans have p.b.a. if their body. we will have talk about why the risk is so much worse for women on "good morning america" and how to protect your sell. hong kong is on public health alert after the first human case of the deadly 4 a 36-year-old woman fell il almost 12 days ago after visiting, and people she had contact with are showing
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symptoms. officials are trying to find the person she was traveling with. the strain made the jump from birds to human for the first time in march after china state media revealed two people in shanghai died from the virus. >> a real shock for rescuers who thought they were on a recovery mission after a tugboat capsize ed. look. >> survived. survived. survived. >> in this video you are seeing the outstretched hand of the only survivor reaching for the dives, surviving 62 hours, 100' unthe water east coast of my careeria in may. this video just emerging, the man managed to find an air pocket. >> the bay area is bracing for record low temperatures and next at 5:00 a.m., we have we have a report on the special efforts to protect the most vulnerable
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people from the freezing cold. >> the certain for a bay area pilot and his family after their plane goes missing in the idaho wilderness and family and friends are holding out hope they will be found okay. using lysol in hundreds of ways. what's christine's story? i started using lysol disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your
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couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to help protect your family.
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good tuesday morning at 5:00, thank you for waking up early and joining us. >> it is cold. it will only get worse. >> we will check with our meteorologist


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